How do I redeem for a reward?

Congrats!! Getting your reward is super easy! 🎉
Just follow this link to our rewards page to access the form and/or submission link needed for your redemption:
To redeem your Moonstones, Mega Moonstones, or Super Moonstones, simply follow these steps: Film a quick video showcasing the serial numbers on your cards, fill out our moonstone redemption form, and then sit back and relax while our awesome team reviews it. We'll email you your moonstone code and ensure it is on the way to you ASAP!

Ready to redeem your Golden Ticket, White Star card, or Black Star card rewards? Here's what you need to do: Pack up your cards along with the redemption form (either printed or handwritten) and send them over to us at
ATTN: Rewards
7701 N FM 620
Austin, TX 78726
United States of America
Once our team in Austin receives your package, all you have to do is kick back and relax while we process it. We'll take care of the rest and ensure your rewards are swiftly on their way to you!

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